if someone invited her along to a BS with them.
BS meaning Bull Shit i guess ?
does anyone know how many hours were required to be a pioneer back in or around 1970?.
if someone invited her along to a BS with them.
BS meaning Bull Shit i guess ?
does anyone know how many hours were required to be a pioneer back in or around 1970?.
Phizzy12 hours ago
Special Pioneer 140 hours IIRC. And in those days most Reg. and Sp. Pio's did GENUINE hours, no counting of Coffee breaks etc, or travelling time in most cases, it was HARD !
haha--MOST pios may have--but not me.
Start of day--knock a door--drive to group meeting. Time is now started. During day--coffee breaks--lunch provided by a congregation member " on a rota"--- visit sick members of cong--go collect mags from bethel delivery truck--light up old boiler for kingdom hall heating---more coffee --go shopping.
clock stops when i got home. 8 hours counted.
hi brothers/sisters my name is victor, recently in move to dubai for job reasons, during the last 3 weeks i have been trying to find a congregation or brothers to contact with them because i would like to go the meetings and continue my personal study, but i hasn't success.. if anybody here have some contact in the united arab emirates or know somebody that have it, i will appreciate a lot that can help me to contact with them.. thank you!.
you may find your answer here; Facts about jw.org, Watchtower, Jehovah's Witnesses and Truth (jwfacts.com)
as portrayed in the convention videos this year about sergei (the fictional jw character in cold-war-era ussr), the jw leaders expect loyalty, even enduring imprisonment and/or death.
in one scene sergei was offered an early release from prison if he would sign a statement renouncing his religion.
well he refused and spent 5 years in prison as a result.
was all this really 8 years ago ? where have those years gone ?
after my divorce four years and still attending the meetings i joined jwmatch.com as a non-paying member, eventually.
after i stopped going to meetings i wrote on my profile that i was inactive and after four years i have 63 "fans"...... sisters.
interested in me, from all over the world, as young as 29 and very pretty.. it looks like the sisters are so desperate for a mate that they would be interested in almost a 58 year old man.. very sad that many will stay single and will never have a chance to find love.. anyone interested in meeting them?
the governing body are proud to announce... can you finish off the line for them - the more outrageous the better,, .
they are all going to have babies.
it took 117 days in 1914 from when uranus and jupiter met on march 4, till the start of ww i on june 28,1914.. another conjunction today; 117 days from today is aug.16, 2024.. .
jupiter is just another name for jehovah
"when jupiter met uranus"
ooo er.
amazing new light in the latest morning worship by gary breaux.
the gb "never lie or deceive us.
we can have absolute trust in the governing body".. he then makes a very helpful point, so as to avoid being deceived and avoid lies.
Is Gary Breaux pronounced "Bro"--like rhyming with gateaux--gatto ?
in which case he is bro Bro.
is 31:yet he also is wise and will bring disaster and does not retract his words.. 1 sam 15: furthermore, the eternal one of israel does not lie or change his mind, for he is not man who changes his mind.. numbers 23: god is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes his mind.
does he speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?.
when the god you worship pronounces judgement, is he, really just issuing a warning or has the matter been determined through all the godly powers of insight, foresight and perfect judgement?
In order to change your mind you have to exist.
i stumbled, via a google search, upon a part of jw space that is usually heavily defended against outsiders like my good self.
in a discussion, someone started their post with "i (started doing x)... when the slave began to suggest doing so"*.
do pimis really talk that way?
usually barmy old women.